Military Power

Military Comparisosns

Nuclear Proliferation

The Peaceful and Safe Uses of Nuclear Energy

The International Atomic Energy Agency become created in the UN family in 1957 with a dual mandate: to promote the peaceful uses of nuclear electricity…

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Nuclear Weapons from North Korea Threaten China’s Existence

Even with their current border closures, China and North Korea are steadfastly committed to a "blood-alliance." However, the effects of this cooperation…

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How Russia Is Teaching Risky Lessons to Ukraine Through Its Nuclear Double Cross

Nuclear weapons that have been stationed in Warsaw Pact international locations, together with Ukraine, were moved to Russian territory following the…

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Iran nuclear ambitions: Diplomatic efforts and challenges


Iran's nuclear program has been a subject of intense international scrutiny, with diplomatic efforts aimed at addressing concerns…

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North Korea Nuclear Program and Its Impact on Global Security


North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons has been a source of vast subject for the worldwide network, with profound implications…

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Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East: Case Studies and Implications


The Middle East stands as a region of geopolitical complexity, characterized by longstanding conflicts, regional rivalries, and concerns…

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The Role of International Treaties and Agreements in Preventing Nuclear Proliferation


International treaties and agreements have played a pivotal role in efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons and promote…

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The Historical Context and Evolution of Nuclear Proliferation


The development and proliferation of nuclear weapons stand as one of the most significant and contentious issues in modern history. Understanding…

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